Tuesday 27 September 2011

The last day prayer....

The last day before your cycle re-starts is the day when the great prayer goes through your head, "Dear Lord, please let nature have worked its magic, please let conception have happened naturally so I don't have to go through weeks of injections, surgery and more people having a look at my nether regions than I can shake a stick at...Amen".

God must have been busy and she missed helping me on this one.

Friday 23 September 2011

Bring on the Drugs

So the process begins again and off I go to collect the drugs for the next cycle. It is amazing how little people know about the actual process of IVF, and I used to be one of them. I thought it was just about getting an egg and some sperm in a test tube and that would be it. How I wish it was... Basically at the beginning of the next cycle I will be daily and then twice daily injected with drugs over the period of about two weeks. My body will be turned into a big egg production factory; I never thought about it like that before and now feel a huge affinity and sympathy with my battery hen cousins. Instead of the normal one egg a month we are hoping that my body will bring to maturity as many as we can, as close to double figures that we can get. With our fertilisation level being low last time around the more eggs we produce hopefully means more embryos to implant or to ‘put on ice’ for the future. So I felt like an old hand, checking through the pens and swabs, and giggling over the nurse’s advice that the cool bag they give it to you all in makes a great lunch box. I suppose we can consider this a freebie perk from joining an exclusive club, though I think I would prefer to wear the Dennis the Menace badge from when I joined the Beano club when I was seven.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Back on the IVF merry go around

Am I happy? Am I nervous? Am I trying to avoid thinking the worst? Well yes I think to all three. In February after many years of trying my husband and I had our first cycle of IVF. I'm 37 and he is 39. We have always wanted kids and planned on starting our family not long after we were married. But things just never happened and eventually after emigrating to Australia we decided to take the step of significant medical intervention. And it worked, first time, 7 eggs, 2 fertilised, one implanted and one pregnancy. It was amazing.

And then my new job went pear shaped. As part of a newly recruited team I found that I had to deliver all these programs after a restructuring had made the staff who delivered them all redundant, and finding new starters saying things like, "Yes I know I took the job, but I don't actually want to do it and am planning on taking the salary until my girlfriend finishes college and we can move somewhere else, but don't actually ask me to do anything as I just don't want to". I then get charges of bullying and harassment against me because I start managing the complete lack of output. And then I had a car accident, with some girl on a mobile phone deciding she wanted to put her car into my cars back seat. One ambulance trip later, a couple of scans over the next couple of days and that was the end of my pregnancy. Well, only after my care pathway completely failed adding more stress as my poor husband is phoning place after place trying to get me the basic care I needed. And what was works response? Well my boss decided I didn't need to replace the permanent staff member who had stormed off after deciding he was only going to talk to me with another member of staff present, I could cover that job as well. That made four including my own and then the administrator got hold of some e-mails about my miscarriage and decided to pass it around the office, and then they let her keep her job and expected me to work with her every day as, and I quote "well we hadn't thought of what she did as being bullying, I suppose you could see it that way, but we don't." So by now I was a wreck, not able to sleep, feeling so tired and stressed. I was also pregnant again, naturally, within two months of losing the last one. I sat there, at my obstetricians, on the first anniversary of my father’s death being told that we had achieved the impossible, a natural pregnancy, while also telling me that it looked like I was miscarrying again. So I went home, I cried, and the next day I walked into work and resigned.

So here I am ten weeks later, a couple of kilos lighter, daily gym fiend and trying to de-stress. This is my time to get as much of my life as calm and under control as possible, to find out the things I do want to do and don't want to do with my life, and to jump on to that IVF freight train again. All I can think about is that I've had my luck, we used it all up getting pregnant the very first time, or if we do get pregnant that everything I've done around health and well being will not be enough and that we will have another loss. But then I think, it could work, it could be fine and our little family could grow that bit bigger. It's the last thought that I am holding in my head and heart, it has to be.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Start at the Beginning

So where to begin? Can I put everything that has bought me into this place into a quick couple of lines? Well here is the attempt.

My Dad died suddenly at work at 65 years of age, I changed jobs and entered a Looney Toons workplace where the stories will make your hair curl. After many years of trying my husband and I tried IVF and first time out hit the jackpot, then a couple of drivers decided to play shunt the car ahead and at 9 weeks that joy ended. We waited for my body to settle down to try again, we waited and waited and then found out we had conceived naturally for the first time ever. That ended on the first anniversary of my Dads death, being told you are pregnant and miscarrying at the same time. So here I am a year later, having left the workplace of the Looney Toons and a six figure salary and trying to find peace, health and deal with having all that time to do those things that you always wanted to. The problem is that I am not sure what those things are. I don’t have a bucket list, I have been so busy running on that career treadmill I haven’t discovered who I really am and what I really want to do. So this is my mission, to fill up that empty bucket list!